Student Resources
Your career starts here
Arts Worx is committed to helping our students transform and contextualize their classroom experience through the modern workplace, thereby ensuring our graduates can deliver value to their community, their careers, and their learning-for-life journey.
Your career isn’t just a job. Your education path isn’t a straight line. Your future isn’t written by anyone else but you—and we're here to help.

Meet some of our amazing partners

Develop yourself as a well-rounded graduate
Test-drive your career
A liberal arts education offers many advantages, but none greater than career mobility. Arts Worx offers a wide range of opportunities to students seeking new challenges.
Gain professional experience
Education isn’t just what we learn in a classroom—it’s also what we learn in the real world. Through Arts Worx, students get the chance to gain invaluable insight into the modern workplace.
Make new connections
We’re meant to build connections with the people around us. In the workplace, those connections are invaluable to your career journey—especially as a new graduate seeking that first job.
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL)
WIL and your future: Where what you know meets who you know.
Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is an experiential learning opportunity for students seeking to apply their classroom experience and knowledge to a real-world setting. It can take many forms, including internships, hackathons, work-terms, practicum, cooperative education (co-op), fieldwork, service learning, entrepreneurship, student-led enterprise, applied projects, and more.
A resource that connects a Liberal Arts education to potential occupations
Have you ever wondered how people end up with certain careers with the degrees they hold? Or why some people flourish with degrees that are not a linear match to job titles?
Start mapping your career journey now!